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Surgery Instructions

Instructions for IV Sedation

  1. The patient will need a companion to stay with them throughout their appointment and drive them home.
  2. The patient cannot consume any food or liquids (including water) Eight (8) Hours prior to the time of their appointment. (Exception: morning medications if instructed by the Doctor with a sip of water.)
  3. When brushing your teeth, spit out all the water.
  4. Wear short sleeves for your appointment. During cold weather you may wear a jacket or sweatshirt over your short sleeves.
  5. Footwear: Wear closed support shoes (i.e tennis shoes). Do not wear slip on shoes, flip flops or boots.
  6. Contact Lenses – only wear them if you routinely sleep with them.
  7. LMX cream – apply the LMX cream 1hour prior to appointment time.

Instructions for Post-op Care

You will receive detailed Instructions on the day of the procedure.

  1. Replace gauze every 30 mins as needed. If bleeding continues, use a moistened tea bag (regular type, i.e Lipton) in place of gauze.
  2. You will need ice packs for the first 24 hours. A couple of bags of frozen peas or corn will work.
  3. Avoid foods like pizza, chips, bagels, rice and any other crunchy, chewy foods for about one week. Suggested foods:
    • Day 1 – Soft, cold diet to include: yogurt, pudding, applesauce, protein drinks, milkshakes, etc.
    • Day 2-5 – Modified solid diet such as pancakes, eggs, macaroni & cheese, beans, mashed potatoes, chicken or tuna salad, pasta, and soups.
    • No carbonated drinks or soda and straws for 3 days.
  4. Monojet syringe (if given to the patient) is to be used AFTER DAY 3.
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